We Help Entrepreneurs Find Success

Welcome to Start Garden—a community of support to help you achieve success. We understand that entrepreneurs need a space where they can build their own community of supportive and like-minded people. Start Garden Helps make that more accessible through its pitch competitions and coworking space located in the heart of downtown Grand Rapids.

  • Network with other entrepreneurs
  • Gain access to entrepreneurial resources
  • Have a dedicated space to ideate, work and grow
  • Try your hand at a new venture—no strings attached

Los 100

No todo el mundo es empresario, pero todo el mundo debería tener la oportunidad de serlo. Start Garden creó The 100 con un consorcio de bancos para financiar ideas empresariales sin ataduras, abriendo la puerta a toda la comunidad, sabiendo que a algunos puede cambiarles la vida.

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Noche 5×5

5×5 Night is Michigan’s most open pitch competition. Anyone can submit a business idea to be voted on by the public. Our top 5 presenters will then get 5 minutes to pitch 5 slides to 5 guest judges for the chance to win a $5,000 grant. More valuable than the cash, 5×5 Night gives entrepreneurs a platform to move their business ideas forward and be part of a valuable network of like-minded people who can help them grow.

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Find Your Fit

Start Garden was built to be your support system in helping you achieve success. No matter where you are on your journey—whether you’re an entrepreneur, in the early stages of your startup or simply have a great business idea you want to test out—we provide a strong community to help you get your idea off the ground or move your business to the next level.

Find where you fit and discover valuable resources to help you on your journey.

Idea de negocio

Necesito una forma rápida y barata de convertir mi idea en acción y acceder a plataformas que me ayuden a tener éxito en mi viaje.


Necesito acceder al capital intelectual y comercial para ayudarme a hacer crecer mi negocio y llevarlo al siguiente nivel.

Comunidad empresarial

Localice los recursos y conexiones adecuados en la comunidad empresarial que le ayudarán a prosperar.

Nuestros colaboradores